At Horizon Health, our nurse anesthetists provide general, regional, and monitored anesthesia care for surgeries and procedures, utilizing the latest evidence-based techniques (including ultrasound-guided continuous nerve blocks) for optimum pain control. Whenever possible, non-narcotic techniques are used to limit—or in some cases, completely eliminate— opioid use.
Your anesthesia provider will guide you throughout your entire surgical experience — before, during, and after your procedure. Our entire team of surgeons, nurses, and other medical professionals will be working together to make sure your surgery and recovery are safe and successful.
During General Anesthesia, medications will be given to keep your entire body unconscious (“asleep”) and unable to feel pain during your surgical procedure. Some of the medications are given through an IV, while others are gases administered through a breathing mask or tube along with oxygen.
Possible side effects of general anesthesia include nausea, vomiting, sore throat, muscle aches, shivering, and confusion.
Regional Anesthesia involves injecting local anesthetic near nerves to numb a portion of your body. We utilize several types of regional anesthetics, including spinal anesthesia and numerous specific nerve blocks.
Depending on your procedure, Regional Anesthesia may be used alone or combined with sedation or General Anesthesia.
Monitored Anesthesia Care involves the injection of medications through an IV to help you relax, as well as to block pain. A combination of sedative and pain-relieving medications are used to help you tolerate a procedure that otherwise would be uncomfortable.
In addition, your surgeon may inject a local anesthetic at the site of the procedure for pain control. This type of anesthesia can range from slightly drowsy to heavily sedated, depending upon the procedure.
Our anesthetists will keep you comfortable, safe, and pain-free during surgery using various anesthetic techniques (or a combination of them). Once you enter the operating room, they will be by your side throughout the surgery. You are in good hands with our skilled anesthesia team here at Horizon Health.
Contact our Team today at (217) 466-4724 to learn more.