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The gastric bypass is a restrictive and malabsorptive operation that restricts the amount of food you can ingest, and reroutes the intestine so fewer calories are absorbed.
The stomach is divided into two parts with a surgical stapler: the “pouch” and the “remnant stomach.”
Food will travel from the mouth into the small pouch. Because the new pouch is small, you should feel full sooner than you had in the past. The brain will signal the “remnant” pouch to make digestive juices. The food from the pouch and the digestive juices from the remnant stomach will combine in the intestine and digestion will occur.
After gastric bypass, you can expect to stay 2-3 nights in the hospital. You will need to follow a special diet to allow for healing and to avoid complications. In about two months, most patients return to a regular healthy eating plan. Because the new pouch is so small and a portion of the intestine has been bypassed, certain vitamins and minerals can no longer be absorbed like they once were. Therefore, vitamin and mineral supplements will be needed for the rest of your life.