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Referring Physicians

Do you have a patient who would benefit from losing weight with the Horizon Health Center for Weight Management?

referral form

(Fax referrals to 833-944-2236)

Addressing obesity in your practice


  • In the past ~10 years, proportion of those with HbA1c <7% only went down from 57% to 50%
  • Obesity rates have increased over the past decade
  • Insulin consumption and polypharmacy have increased as well (~60% of diabetes patients are taking 5+ prescription drugs).
  • NEJM published 2021 trends in diabetes treatment and control in the US (Fang et. Al). It shows massive gaps in managing diabetes, despite the advanced technologies that are out there.


  • Discussing your patient’s weight
  • How to facilitate the discussion through office materials
  • Before and after cards in waiting/exam rooms
  • BMI tear sheet on poster near scale
  • Brochures in waiting/exam rooms