Acklin-Shackelford Clinic Category: Clinic About This Location The clinic offers the following specialty care services. Use entrance marked E1.CardiologyOrthopedics/Spine CareWound CareLike Horizon Health on Facebook Our Services Eye Health Kidney Health Lung Health Vein and Vascular Care Nephrology Search for services at other locations: Select a Service Behavioral HealthBone, Joint & SpineCardiologyDermatologyEmergency ServicesEndocrinologyEye HealthEZ CareFamily MedicineInfusion CenterInpatient CareInternal MedicineKidney HealthLaboratoryLung HealthMigraine ManagementNephrologyNeurologyOccupational HealthOrthopedicsPain ManagementPodiatryPrimary CarePsychiatryRadiologyRehab ServicesRespiratory TherapySenior CareSocial ServicesSpine CareSurgeryWillowbrookWound Care Search