March 2025
Alicia Sledge, MSN, APRN, is affiliated with Carle Physician Group.
Dr. Verma is a board certified nephrologist and medical director of the Horizon Health Dialysis Center.
Dr. Jeevan is on staff at Internal Medicine Nephrology, Inc. in Terre Haute, and he is the medical director at Kidney Center of Terre Haute, LLC and Dialysis Center of Wabash Valley, also in Terre Haute.
Dr. Patel is affiliated with Carle Physician Group.
Dr. Nasser is affiliated with Providence Medical Group in Terre Haute.
Stay Strong, Live Long will help maintain/increase overall strength and balance, making everyday tasks easier. Exercises will improve activities of daily living, such as getting out of a chair, reaching above the head, and walking. Stay Strong, Live ...
Offers a network of encouragement and compassion for all cancer survivors, their family members, friends, and caregivers. Fourth Tuesday of each month 10–11:30 am, Horizon Health main campus Call (217) 466-4862