Does physical therapy do that?

Physical therapists provide a multitude of services to help patients regain movement and function after an injury or illness.

Some of these services are well known, like orthopedic physical therapy. Other services may be lesser known but are important nonetheless, especially when more specialized treatment is needed.

Below are some additional services that physical therapists provide:

Pediatric Rehab — Treats a variety of conditions affecting children, including orthopedic issues, developmental delays, neurological problems, and coordination impairments.

Lymphedema Therapy — Involves manual techniques in combination with specialized wrapping to improve the body’s ability to remove fluid.

Improving Balance — In addition to home exercise programs, patients are educated on the safety and prevention of falling.

Cancer Patients — Therapy involves manual treatments for pain relief, strengthening, balance activities, and if needed, lymphedema treatments.

Dry Needling — Can be used for a wide variety of body pain. Fine microfilament needles are pushed through the skin into irritable muscle “knots” (called trigger points). This stimulates the tissue and helps relieve pain and restore muscle function.

Headache Relief —Patients are treated for postural impairments, muscle tightness, and weakness that is proven to be directly linked to chronic headaches.

Ending Dizziness — A vertigo/vestibular program includes an extensive evaluation to assess the causes of dizziness or vertigo, followed by individualized treatment depending on evaluation results.

Parkinson’s Treatment — A nationally recognized program called LSVT BIG focuses on improving body movements for people with Parkinson disease. It involves refining smaller movements, such as self-care, to larger movements like getting up from a sofa or maintaining balance while walking.

The Horizon Health Rehabilitation Services Department offers these services and more. For more information, call 217-466-4244.