How Can You Prepare for Spring Allergies?
- Category: Blogs, Primary Care
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- Written By: Horizon Health
Spring is right around the corner, and that means flowers blooming, warmer weather, and--for many of us--excruciating allergies.
Itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, constant sneezing, and congestion are just a few of the miserable symptoms of seasonal allergies. If you experience allergies, you know how bad they can get, especially if you live in an area with high pollen counts.
Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer through terrible allergies this year. You can prepare for the onset of spring (and allergies) by taking a few key precautions.
Visit Your Doctor
When was the last time you visited your doctor and got an updated treatment plan for your allergies?
If it’s been a while, make an appointment and establish a care plan for your allergies before pollen counts soar.
Your doctor may recommend strategies or prescribe medications to control your symptoms. If your allergies are severe enough, your doctor may refer you to an allergist. He or she may also schedule allergy shots to prevent your symptoms from becoming unbearable.
Change Your Air Filter
The air filter in your home’s HVAC system is responsible for trapping dirt, dust, debris and allergens and preventing them from being circulated into your home.
As time goes by, air filters get clogged and weighed down with debris and dirt. An old air filter doesn’t trap dirt or allow clean air to pass as effectively as a new filter can. This is why it’s recommended to change your HVAC filter at least once per season.
If your air filter hasn’t been changed in a while, now is the time to make the switch. A filter designed specifically for trapping allergens may be a good investment if your allergies are particularly bad during spring.
Keep Your Windows Closed
The first warm breeze of spring is almost irresistible. If you have allergies, however, that breeze can bring on a severe allergy attack.
If you leave your windows open during a breezy spring day, you’re allowing airborne allergens to circulate into your house and stick to your furniture and belongings. This is especially true in the morning hours, when pollen levels tend to peak.
Keep your windows closed. Rely on your HVAC system to circulate filtered air through your home so you can keep the allergens to a minimum. If you can afford to, run your air conditioning for at least part of the day--this will help keep your home at cooler temperature and control moisture, which can each contribute to allergen problems. Shower in the Evening
Many of us prefer to shower in the morning. It’s an easy way to get the day started and feel refreshed before we head off to work.
Unfortunately, our clothes and hair can accumulate pollen throughout the day during springtime--and if you don’t shower before going to bed, you’re allowing that pollen to sit on your body overnight.
This can lead to increased allergies the next day and may even disturb your sleep.
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