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What is the HEART Fund?
The “Horizon Health Employee HEART Fund” provides financial
support to employees who are facing personal or family hardships due to
unforeseen circumstances. Funding is made possible by generous donations
from Horizon Health employees.
Who is eligible to receive assistance?
Any Horizon Health employee who has experienced financial hardship due
to an emergency situation beyond his or her control can receive assistance.
This can include, but is not limited to, a fire, natural disaster, serious
extended illness or injury, disability or death of an immediate family
member. Any full-time or part-time employee, who are in good standing
and has completed 1 year of continuous employment, is eligible to receive
How much assistance can a person receive?
An employee can request up to $1,000 in a 12-month period, with a lifetime
maximum of $3,000.
Who determines if an employee receives assistance?
The HEART Fund governing committee determines how much money an employee
should receive based on need. All applications are handled with a strict
level of confidence, respect, and anonymity.
Who can donate to the fund?
Any Horizon Health employee can donate to the fund. Donations can be made
ongoingly through payroll deduction. Or, a one-time donation can be made
through payroll deduction or by personal check.
For More Information
Christina Hoffman: 217-466-4294 or